Honor Farm Stand

I've been reading up on Honor Farm Stands, and I really like the premise. You make a stand, you fill it with produce, you suggest a price per item, and then leave some sort of till for the cash. I don't have a lot of surplus, we're still getting started here at Poppy Corners, but I came back from a weekend away and zowie! The garden had exploded. I spent a good deal of time harvesting this morning, and realized we do have some extra today. So I made my own little honor stand.

I put out peaches (4/$1) and some paper bags, a few bagged bags of cherry tomatoes ($1/bag), and four large bags of mixed greens on ice in a garden trug ($2/bag). The signs say 'organic' and 'picked this morning!' and there is a jar for payment.

I'm not sure anyone will stop and purchase anything, but we can eat anything that doesn't sell. And as the summer goes on, folks might start to get used to seeing it here and look forward to buying some produce. Maybe the kids will get industrious and decide to build a real stand and take over the 'operations.' It's better than a lemonade stand, anyway.